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Saturday, August 31, 2019

Inactive Account Lock

In oracle 12.2 database, parameter INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME introduced for user profiles.
The INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME profile parameter locks a user account if that has not logged in to the database  in  specified number of days. Default value for INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME is 35. The minimum setting is 15 and the maximum is 24855.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Last Login Time of User:

In release previous to 12c, to get last login time details of the user, we have to enable “AUDIT SESSION” and then query the AUD$ table but in case of 12c we can get from table USER$ and in SPARE6 column.

USER$ table was in 11gR2 :

CTIME: Date & Time when user was created

PTIME: Date & Time when user password was last changed

LTIME: Date & Time when the user account was locked

LCOUNT: Number of failed login attempts

Below column added in 12c:

SPARE6: Last login time of the user.

Oracle Database 12c Feature:

1. Last Login Time of User:

2.Inactive Account Lock:

3.Invisible Columns in Oracle Database 12c:

4.Parameter MAX_STRING_SIZE to EXTENDED :Store More in VARCHAR2.

5.READ Privilege:

6.Unified Auditing :

7.ASMCMD Commands for Password File Management:

8.Exporting View Data:

9.No Logging Option in Data Pump Import:
A new feature has been added in datapump of oracle 12c. We can import data with nologgin option i.e without generating logs. We sometimes face issue while importing big tables, as it generates lot of archive logs.
TRANSFORM=DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING:Y – This parameter can be used to make the impdp nologging.



impdp dumpfile=dbaclass.dmp logfile=dbaclass.log directory=DUMP tables=test.TEST TRANSFORM=DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING:Y

Previously, If we are loading data to an existing partitioned table using impdp, then despite mentioning parallel option, partitions were getting loaded one by one, Which slowdown the import process.

TRUST_EXISTING_TABLE_PARTITIONS — tells Data Pump to load partition data in parallel into existing tables. You should use this option when you are using Data Pump to create the table from the definition in the export database before the table data import is started. This is done as part of a migration when the metadata is static and can be moved before the databases are taken off line in order to migrate the data. Moving the metadata separately minimizes downtime. If you use this option and if other attributes of the database are the same (for example, character set), then the data from the export database goes to the same partitions in the import database.

impdp dumpfile=test1_%U.dmp

10.Rename and Replace ASM Disk(s) in Diskgroup:

11.Added Administrative Privileges:

12.Adding, Dropping, Truncating Multiple Partitions:

13.Merging and Splitting Multiple Partitions:

14.Use of Sequence Value in Column DEFAULT:

15.Cascaded Truncate:

16.New Row Limiting Clause in SELECT:


R12.2 Apache and Weblogic log locations:

Apache Logs

cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/*/diagnostics/logs/OHS/EBS_web_*/


cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/instances/*/diagnostics/logs/OPMN/opmn/

Weblogic Logs

cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/../wlserver_10.3/common/nodemanager $EBS_DOMAIN_HOME/servers/oa*/logs/


Wednesday, August 28, 2019

ORA-04031 unable to allocate XXX bytes of shared memory

The error ORA-4031 on the shared pool can indicate one of two things:

– insufficient space for the shared pool
– although there is enough memory, it is fragmented and no contiguous chunk can be allocated to satisfy the latest memory request.

SQL> alter system set “_enable_shared_pool_durations” = false scope=spfile;
System altered.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


DUALFS –A new feature introduced in the latest of R12.2 with  AD-TXK Delta 7. This will create both the filesystems fs1 and fs2 during the clonning process.

perl adcfgclone.pl appsTier dualfs


cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib

make -f ins_rdbms.mk rac_off
make -f ins_rdbms.mk ioracle

As oracle user, run the following. The output should be ‘0’ in case of Non-RAC.

cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib

nm -r libknlopt.a | grep -c kcsm.o

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Index Unique Scans:

Whenever "WHERE" condition clause guarantees that only one row would be returned Oracle optimizer chooses Index Unique Scans.

Index Unique Scans returns only 1 rowid.

Index Unique Scan is used when all columns of a unique (B-tree) index or an index created as a result of a primary key constraint are specified with equality conditions.

Index Fast Full Scans:

It is similar to Index Full Scans.
It read index blocks in unsorted order as it is exist on disk.
This kind of scan does not use index to probe table, but it reads the index instead of the table.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

fs_clone phase details

Recreates the patch edition file system as an exact copy of the run edition file system.
It is a stand-alone command used for file system cloning.
It can be used to synchronize the run and patch file systems.
It must be run from run file system and before the next prepare phase is run.
It is useful if the APPL_TOPs have become very unsynchronized.
It is a heavyweight process, taking a backup of the entire current patch APPL_TOP and then cloning the run APPL_TOP to create a new patch APPL_TOP.
As well as being resource-intensive, this method is very time-consuming and requires several manual actions by the user.therefore be used only when necessary.
It can be re-run with option force=yes to restart from begining with same session id and force=no , startr from where it left.
It is an alternate to PREPARE phase.

PREPARE  Vs fs_clone

fs_clone from Run File System(or) phase=apply from patch File system , is both does the same task?

PREPARE phase only synchronizes APPL_TOP or application stack so if you have applied any patches using adpatch or adop then PREPARE will synchronize that as well. But the important point to note is that PREPARE phase does not synchronize Technology Stack so if you have applied any Tech stack patches using OPatch or Smart update then PREPARE phase will not sync that.  So please note that if you applied tech stack patches on run file system instead of patch file system and if you start another online patching cycle without doing fs_clone then all your technology patches could be lost as your patch file system did not contain these patches and once you do cutover and fs_clone in new patching cycle, it will overwrite old run file system with patch file system.

>>Prepare  – Starts a new patching cycle.

>>Prepare phase internally runs fs_clone if it is not run in the previous patching cycle.

>>FS clone mode can be only executed when there is no active patching cycle going on in the system.

FS Clone might be needed to be executed some of the below scenarios.

The previous Online Patching cycle was aborted.
If we make any manual changes to the run edition file system
FMW or  Middle-tier technology components are patched.
After applying a big application RUP patch.
Loss of patch edition file system or corruption.

Restart failed fs_clone from the beginning:

adop phase=fs_clone force=yes

Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Online Patching FAQ (Doc ID 1583902.1)
How To Automatically Set the Current Run or Patch Edition / File System for EBS 12.2 (Doc ID 1545584.1)