Cloning Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Rapid Clone:
Use Rapid Clone to create template files for cloning on the Source System. After copying the Source System to the Target System, Rapid Clone updates these templates to include the new Target System configuration settings. Rapid Clone never changes the Source System configuration.
What is cloning:
Cloning is the process of creating a copy of an existing Oracle E-Business Suite system.
Cloning process consists of the following three phases, each of which is made up of several logical sections and their steps.
Database Node: dbTier | database | dbconfig | dbTechStack
configure the ORACLE_HOME on the target database tier node only.
dbconfig :
configure the database with context file.Database should be in open mode.
Copy the following Oracle E-Business Suite application directories from the Run Edition File System to the Patch Edition File System.
<OracleAS Tools 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME>
Log on to the Patch Edition File System in the Target System as the applmgr user and enter the following commands:
$ cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
$ perl appsTier
The Patch Edition File System must be aware of the location of the Run Edition File System that will be configured in the next step. At the prompt “Location of Run System Context File”, enter the absolute path to the context file for the Run Edition File System that was created in the previous step.
For exmp:/<SID>/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/TEST_<servername>/appl/admin/TEST_<servername>.xml.
Use Rapid Clone to create template files for cloning on the Source System. After copying the Source System to the Target System, Rapid Clone updates these templates to include the new Target System configuration settings. Rapid Clone never changes the Source System configuration.
What is cloning:
Cloning is the process of creating a copy of an existing Oracle E-Business Suite system.
Cloning process consists of the following three phases, each of which is made up of several logical sections and their steps.
- Prepare the Source System for database tier and application tier.
- Copy both database tier and application tier nodes from the Source System to Target System.
- Configure the Target System for both database tier and application tier.
For Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 system that is on the AD-TXK Delta 6 or lower codelevel.
Prepare the Source System for database tier and application tier:
Prepare the Source System database tier for cloning :
Execute the following commands:
$ cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/scripts/<CONTEXT_NAME>
$ perl dbTier
- It’s create the clone directory >$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/directory
- Obtains Database Information and Creates adcrdbclone.sql
Prepare the Source System application tier for cloning:
Source the environment file of the Run Edition File system.
To Verify:
should return the value:
Execute the following commands:
$ cd <INST_TOP>/admin/scripts
$ perl appsTie
It will collect all the information about the source system, creates a cloning stage area, and generates templates and drivers. All of these are to reconfigure the instance on a Target machine. process on the application tier creates a complete compressed archive of the Oracle Fusion Middleware and its components as follows:
A compressed archive of the Oracle WebLogic Server home, Oracle Web Tier Utilities home, Oracle Common Utilities home and the Oracle E-Business Suite home:
A compressed archive of the Oracle E-Business Suite WebLogic domain:
The Oracle E-Business Suite WebLogic domain's configuration template:
A compressed archive of the Oracle Web Tier/Oracle HTTP Server configuration instance:
The Oracle HTTP Server configuration instance's configuration template:
These jar files created in clone directory are sufficent to clone the FMW home,So we dont need to copy FMW home in the clone process from source to target
>>>It’s create the Clone directory in application side >cd $COMMON_TOP/clone
Log Location:
adpreclone log files are created in the <INST_TOP>/admin/log/clone directory.
Copy both database tier and application tier nodes from the Source System to the Target System:
Copy the Source System database ORACLE_HOME to the Target System.
Use , Tar or cp
Copy the application tier file system from the Source "Run Edition File System" to the Target "Run Edition File System":
Copy the following application tier directories from the Source Node to the Target Run Edition File System application tier node:
<OracleAS Tools 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME>
Configure the Target System:
Configure the Target System database:
$ cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin
$ perl dbTechstack
$perl dbTier <Database Target context file> (when using previous context file).
log file is created in <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/<CONTEXT_NAME> directory.
Configure the Target System database:
$ cd <RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/clone/bin
$ perl dbTechstack
$perl dbTier <Database Target context file> (when using previous context file).
log file is created in <RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/log/<CONTEXT_NAME> directory.
Database Node: dbTier | database | dbconfig | dbTechStack
dbTier :
configure the ORACLE_HOME on the target database tier node and recreate the controlfiles.
configure the ORACLE_HOME on the target database tier node and recreate the controlfiles.
- It’s Create the context file
- Register the ORACLE_HOME
- Relink the ORACLE_HOME
- Configure the ORACLE_HOME
- Recreate the control files
- Start SQL*Net Listener
configure the ORACLE_HOME on the target database tier node only.
- Create the context file
- Register ORACLE_HOME
- Configure the ORACLE_HOME
- Start SQL*Net Listener
configure the database with context file.Database should be in open mode.
- This scripts configure the database
- Configure the ORACLE_HOME
- Recreate the control files
- Start SQL*Net Listener
Configure the Target System application tier :
$ cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
$ perl appsTier
At the prompt “Target System Base Directory”, enter the location of the base directory. For example: /<SID>/applmgr.
When asked the question:
Do you want to startup the Application Services for mult35? (y/n)” you should answer ‘n’.
log files are created in the <INST_TOP>/admin/log/clone directory in the Run Edition File System.
Application Node: appsTier | appltop | atTechStack
$ cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
$ perl appsTier
At the prompt “Target System Base Directory”, enter the location of the base directory. For example: /<SID>/applmgr.
When asked the question:
Do you want to startup the Application Services for mult35? (y/n)” you should answer ‘n’.
log files are created in the <INST_TOP>/admin/log/clone directory in the Run Edition File System.
Application Node: appsTier | appltop | atTechStack
- It’s Create the context file
- Register the ORACLE_HOME
- Relink the ORACLE_HOME
- Configure the ORACLE_HOME
- Create INST_TOP
- Start SQL*Net Listener
- Configure the apple top
- Create INST_TOP
- Start SQL*Net Listener
- It’s Create the context file
- Register the ORACLE_HOME
- Relink the ORACLE_HOME
- It’s create the INST_TOP
- Configure APPL_TOP
- Start APPS Process
Copy the following Oracle E-Business Suite application directories from the Run Edition File System to the Patch Edition File System.
<OracleAS Tools 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME>
Log on to the Patch Edition File System in the Target System as the applmgr user and enter the following commands:
$ cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
$ perl appsTier
The Patch Edition File System must be aware of the location of the Run Edition File System that will be configured in the next step. At the prompt “Location of Run System Context File”, enter the absolute path to the context file for the Run Edition File System that was created in the previous step.
For exmp:/<SID>/applmgr/fs1/inst/apps/TEST_<servername>/appl/admin/TEST_<servername>.xml.
log files are created in the <INST_TOP>/admin/log/clone directory in the Patch Edition File System.
start the services from run file system
start the services from run file system
High level Steps:-
– check for in-progress online patching cycle
perl dbTier
perl appsTier
**require Apps User password and Weblogic AdminServer password
In 12.2, the process on the application tier creates a complete compressed archive of the Oracle Fusion Middleware and its components
Copy Application Tier node from the Source “Run Edition File System” to the Target “Run Edition File System”.
so if source run edition is fs2, then target run edition will also be fs2
Only copy “EBSapps” directory from under $RUN_BASE. DO NOT COPY “inst” or “FMW_Home”
do normal RMAN cloning
SQL> exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean;
$ perl dbTier
$ perl appsTier
Update profiles, workflow settings, SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN, SSL and SSO configuration as required
Changing SYS/SYSTEM/APPS/SYSADMIN/OTHER ORACLE passwords as per business requirements
- Run adpreclone on the source database and application nodes.
- Back up the full Container Database (CDB) database with archives by using RMAN Hot backup and copy it to the target node.
- Clean up the target database and application node.
- Copy the source application binaries and database binaries to the target node.
- Configure $Oracle_Home on the target database node.
- Restore and recover the databases.
- Perform post-restore steps on the Target database node.
- Configure the application on the target application node.
- Perform post-clone steps on the application node.
- Start the target application services.
Oracle EBS Cloning steps are as follows.
- Running Pre-Clone on the Source Apps Tier and DB Tier
- Backup Full database and Archivelogs via RMAN
- Copy Some Application Tier directories from Source to Target
- Copy Oracle database Home and backups from Source to Target
- Configure and start Oracle Instance on Target
- Duplicate & Restore and Recover database and open clone database on Target
- Run Post Clone Steps on Target Database Server ( DB Tier )
- Run Post Clone Steps on Target Application Server ( Apps Tier )
- Run Pre-Clone on the Target Apps Tier for Creating Patch edition
- Copy EBSpps directory from Run edition to patch edition on Target Application server
- Run Post Clone on Patch Edition of Target Application server
- Start EBS Clone Environment
========================================================================= on the Application Tier
The process on the Application Tier creates a complete compressed archive of the Oracle Fusion Middleware and its components as follows: A compressed archive of the Oracle WebLogic Server home, Oracle Web Tier Utilities home, Oracle Common Utilities home and the Oracle E-Business Suite home:
A compressed archive of the Oracle E-Business Suite Weblogic domain:
The Oracle E-Business Suite Weblogic domain’s configuration template:
A compressed archive of the Oracle Web Tier/Oracle HTTP Server Cloning Oracle E-Business Suite with Rapid Clone 17-9 configuration instance:
The Oracle HTTP Server configuration instance’s configuration template:
****The 'dualfs' option will clone the Run and Patch file systems in a single operation.
$ perl appsTier dualfs
Adding a New Application Tier Node to an Existing System:
- add it to the existing Applications system, a process also known as scale up or scale out.
- Before adding a new node, you should update the tcp.invited_nodes parameter of sqlnet.ora on the database tier to include the host.domain of the new node being added.
- The addition of nodes should not be done during an active adop cycle.
Steps for adding a node on a non-shared file system:
1.Run on both the Run and Patch Edition File Systems in the primary application tier node of the E-Business Suite instance
Note: Before executing this step, ensure the AdminServer on both the Run Edition File System and the Patch Edition File System is running. The AdminServer on the Patch Edition File System can be shut down after completion of
2.Copy the Run Edition File System to the Target secondary node.
Only the following directories should be copied:
<OracleAS Tools 10.1.2 ORACLE_HOME>
The secondary node must be on a different host.
3.Configure both Run and Patch Edition File Systems in the Target secondary node.
Note: Before executing these steps, ensure the AdminServer on both the Run Edition File System and the Patch Edition File System is running. This is required for to properly register the new node on the Oracle E-Business Suite instance.
The script can be executed in either the interactive mode or in the non-interactive mode for adding the node. You can choose one of the two options.
Running in the interactive mode
Execute the following command:
$ cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
$ perl appsTier dualfs
When asked the questions:
"Do you want to add a node (yes/no)" you should answer 'yes'
"Do you want to startup the Application Services for <TWO_TASK>? (y/n)" you should answer 'y' if the Application services are to be started up. Otherwise, you should answer 'n'.
Note: Ensure that the port pool provided for the Run Edition File System is different from the port pool of the Patch Edition File System of the primary node. Otherwise, it will result in errors during execution of fs_clone.
As mentioned earlier, the function (run or patch) of the two file systems is not static, and their values switch every time when a cutover phase is complete. Hence, refer to the environment variables $RUN_BASE and $PATCH_BASE to determine the Run Edition File System and Patch Edition File System respectively.
Running in the non-interactive mode
Execute the following command:
$ cd <COMMON_TOP>/clone/bin
$ perl component=appsTier pairsfile=<PAIRSFILE> addnode=yes dualfs=yes
The sample pairsfile for application tier is delivered under INST_TOP of each file system in the location <INST_TOP>/appl/admin/<CONTEXT_NAME>.txt. It should be updated to have values corresponding to the node being added.
Ensure the following while setting values in the pairs file:
The value of 's_shared_file_system' should be set to 'false' and the value of 's_atName' should be set to the hostname of the node being added.
The port pool provided for the Run Edition File System is different from the port pool of the Patch Edition File System of the primary node. Otherwise, it will result in errors during execution of fs_clone. As mentioned earlier, the function (run or patch) of the two file systems is not static, and their values switch every time when a cutover phase is complete. Hence, refer to the environment variables $RUN_BASE and $PATCH_BASE to determine the Run Edition File System and Patch Edition File System respectively.
The value of 'patch_s_port_pool' for the port pool of the Patch Edition File System is provided correctly.
5.Register the new topology from the newly added application tier node.
If OHS is enabled on the newly added node, perform the following steps on that node:
Source the Run Edition File System.
The OHS configuration files mod_wl_ohs.conf and apps.conf will contain entries of managed servers from all application tier nodes. If any of these managed servers are not desired to be part of the cluster configuration on the current node, execute the following command to delete details of these managed servers from the OHS configuration files mod_wl_ohs.conf and apps.conf on the current node:
$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ \
-contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
-configoption=removeMS \
-oacore=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
-oafm=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
-forms=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
-formsc4ws=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
-ekanban=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
-accessgate=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
The argument contextfile accepts the complete path to the context file.
The arguments oacore, oafm, forms, formsc4ws, ekanban, accessgate and yms accept a comma-separated list of managed server details in the following format:
host, domain and port are the hostname, domain and port of the managed server whose reference is to be deleted.
For example, to delete references of managed servers oacore_server1 on 'testserver1' and forms_server2 on host 'testserver2' on the domain '' with ports 7201 and 7601 respectively, the following command should be executed:
$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
Perform the following steps on the other application tier nodes participating in the same cluster where this node is added:
Source the Run Edition File System.
If any of the managed servers from the newly added node are desired to be part of the cluster configuration on the current node, execute the following command to add details of these managed servers into the OHS configuration files mod_wl_ohs.conf and apps.conf on the current node:
$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ \
-contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
-configoption=addMS \
-oacore=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
-oafm=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
-forms=<host>.<domain>:<port> \
The argument contextfile accepts the complete path to the context file.
The arguments oacore, oafm, forms, formsc4ws accept a comma-separated list of managed server details in the following format:
host and domain are the hostname and domain name of the newly added node
port is the port of the new managed server whose reference is to be added
For example, if the newly added node on host 'testserver1' and domain '' contains managed servers oacore_server3 and oafm_server3 with ports 7205 and 7605 respectively, the following command should be executed:
$ perl <FND_TOP>/patch/115/bin/ -contextfile=<CONTEXT_FILE> \
6.On all application tier nodes, perform the following steps to register the newly added application tier node with the application tier TNS Listener (FNDFS listener) on each node:
Source the Run Edition file system.
Run AutoConfig.
Reload the application tier TNS Listener (FNDFS listener) as follows:
$ lsnrctl reload APPS_<TWO_TASK>
Cloning Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Rapid Clone (Doc ID 1383621.1)
Cloning Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 with Multitenant Database using Rapid Clone (Doc ID 2552208.1)
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