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Sunday, January 30, 2022

MDS-01376: Unable to get database connection from data source >Could not create pool connection for datasource ''. The DBMS driver exception was: ORA-28001: the password has expired

 MDS-01377: Unable to get database connection from data source configured with JNDI name "jdbc/mds/owsm" When Starting OBIEE 11g (Doc ID 1561628.1)

How To Handle ORA-28001: the password has expired When Starting OSM WebLogic Server (Doc ID 1273924.1)


SELECT 'ALTER USER '|| name ||' IDENTIFIED BY VALUES '''|| spare4 ||';'|| password ||''';' FROM sys.user$ WHERE name='MAN';

select 'ALTER USER ' || username || ' identified by <password>;'  from dba_users where account_status like 'EXPIRED%' and username != 'MAN';

select 'ALTER USER ' || username || ' account unlock;' from dba_users where  account_status like 'LOCKED%' and username != 'MAN';

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Is APPLDCP Still Used For PCP in EBS Release 11.5 and Release 12

Is APPLDCP Still Used For PCP in EBS Release 11.5 and Release 12 (Doc ID 753678.1)

As per ATG Development:

As of file "afpcsq.lpc" version 115.35 or higher, APPLDCP is internally hard-coded to "ON" when the Generic Service Management (GSM) is enabled--"keeping in mind, use of the GSM is required".

In short, at "afpcsq.lpc" version 115.35 or higher with the GSM enabled, the setting of the APPLDCP environment variable is ignored--this is the "default behavior on all R12 releases."