Name | Description |
INSTANCE_TYPE | Must be set to ASM Note: This is the only required parameter. All other parameters take suitable defaults for most environments. |
ASM_POWER_LIMIT | The default power for disk rebalancing. Default: 1, Range: 0 – 11 |
ASM_DISKSTRING | A comma-separated list of strings that limits the set of disks that ASM discovers. May include wildcard characters. Only disks that match one of the strings are discovered. String format depends on the ASM library in use and on the operating system. The standard system library for ASM supports glob pattern matching. For example, on a Solaris server that does not use ASMLib, to limit discovery to disks that are in the /dev/rdsk/ directory, ASM_DISKSTRING would be set to: /dev/rdsk/* another example: /dev/rdsk/*s3,/dev/rdsk/*s4 (This could be simplified to:) /dev/rdsk/*s[34] Default: NULL. A NULL value causes ASM to search a default path for all disks in the system to which the ASM instance has read/write access. The default search path is platform-specific. |
ASM_DISKGROUPS | A list of the names of disk groups to be mounted by an ASM instance at startup, or when the ALTER DISKGROUP ALL MOUNT statement is used. Default: NULL (If this parameter is not specified, then no disk groups are mounted.) This parameter is dynamic, and if you are using a server parameter file (SPFILE), you should not need to manually alter this value. ASM automatically adds a disk group to this parameter when the disk group is successfully created or mounted, and automatically removes a disk group from this parameter when the disk group is dropped or dismounted. |
Grip Version:
crsctl query crs activeversion
crsctl query crs activeversion
Mount and unmount diskgroup:
sqlplus / as sysasm
alter diskgroup DG_PDBPROD_AR mount;
alter diskgroup DG_PDBPROD_AR dismount;
select name,state,total_mb from v$asm_diskgroup;
select name,state from v$asm_diskgroup;
Add disk group:
sqlplus / as sysasm
alter diskgroup <diskgroup_name> add disk 'ORCL:<disk_name>';
alter diskgroup DG_BRMDEV2_DT01 add disk 'ORCL:D2BRM_DT01_106G_003';
srvctl add asm
srvctl start asm
crsctl status resource -t
Disks that were discovered but that have not yet been assigned to a disk group have a header status of either CANDIDATE or PROVISIONED.
Below are the HEADER_STATUS in the v$ASM_DISK. I have taken below status from 11gR2.
UNKNOWN - Automatic Storage Management disk header has not been read
CANDIDATE - Disk is not part of a disk group and may be added to a disk group with the ALTER DISKGROUP statement
INCOMPATIBLE - Version number in the disk header is not compatible with the Automatic Storage Management software version.
PROVISIONED - Disk is not part of a disk group and may be added to a disk group with the ALTER DISKGROUP statement. The PROVISIONED header status is different from the CANDIDATE header status in that PROVISIONED implies that an additional platform-specific action has been taken by an administrator to make the disk available for Automatic Storage Management.
MEMBER - Disk is a member of an existing disk group. No attempt should be made to add the disk to a different disk group. The ALTER DISKGROUP statement will reject such an addition unless overridden with the FORCE option
FORMER - Disk was once part of a disk group but has been dropped cleanly from the group. It may be added to a new disk group with the ALTER DISKGROUP statement.
CONFLICT - Automatic Storage Management disk was not mounted due to a conflict
FOREIGN - Disk contains data created by an Oracle product other than ASM. This includes datafiles, logfiles, and OCR disks.
When adding a disk, the FORCE option must be used if Oracle ASM recognizes that the disk was managed by Oracle. Such a disk appears in the V$ASM_DISK view with a status of FOREIGN.
The v$ views for ASM are built upon several ASM fixed tables, called x$ tables. The x$ tables are not really tables, they are C language structures inside the SGA RAM heap:
REM ASM views:
REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM V$ASM_DISKGROUP |Describes a disk group (number, name, size |Contains one row for every open ASM
REM |related info, state, and redundancy type) |disk in the DB instance.
REM V$ASM_CLIENT |Identifies databases using disk groups |Contains no rows.
REM |managed by the ASM instance. |
REM V$ASM_DISK |Contains one row for every disk discovered |Contains rows only for disks in the
REM |by the ASM instance, including disks that |disk groups in use by that DB instance.
REM |are not part of any disk group. |
REM V$ASM_FILE |Contains one row for every ASM file in every |Contains rows only for files that are
REM |disk group mounted by the ASM instance. |currently open in the DB instance.
REM V$ASM_TEMPLATE |Contains one row for every template present in |Contains no rows.
REM |every disk group mounted by the ASM instance. |
REM V$ASM_ALIAS |Contains one row for every alias present in |Contains no rows.
REM |every disk group mounted by the ASM instance. |
REM v$ASM_OPERATION |Contains one row for every active ASM long |Contains no rows.
REM |running operation executing in the ASM instance. |
set wrap off
set lines 155 pages 9999
col "Group Name" for a6 Head "Group|Name"
col "Disk Name" for a10
col "State" for a10
col "Type" for a10 Head "Diskgroup|Redundancy"
col "Total GB" for 9,990 Head "Total|GB"
col "Free GB" for 9,990 Head "Free|GB"
col "Imbalance" for 99.9 Head "Percent|Imbalance"
col "Variance" for 99.9 Head "Percent|Disk Size|Variance"
col "MinFree" for 99.9 Head "Minimum|Percent|Free"
col "MaxFree" for 99.9 Head "Maximum|Percent|Free"
col "DiskCnt" for 9999 Head "Disk|Count"
prompt ASM Disk Groups
prompt ===============
SELECT g.group_number "Group"
, "Group Name"
, g.state "State"
, g.type "Type"
, g.total_mb/1024 "Total GB"
, g.free_mb/1024 "Free GB"
, 100*(max((d.total_mb-d.free_mb)/d.total_mb)-min((d.total_mb-d.free_mb)/d.total_mb))/max((d.total_mb-d.free_mb)/d.total_mb) "Imbalance"
, 100*(max(d.total_mb)-min(d.total_mb))/max(d.total_mb) "Variance"
, 100*(min(d.free_mb/d.total_mb)) "MinFree"
, 100*(max(d.free_mb/d.total_mb)) "MaxFree"
, count(*) "DiskCnt"
FROM v$asm_disk d, v$asm_diskgroup g
WHERE d.group_number = g.group_number and
d.group_number <> 0 and
d.state = 'NORMAL' and
d.mount_status = 'CACHED'
GROUP BY g.group_number,, g.state, g.type, g.total_mb, g.free_mb
prompt ASM Disks In Use
prompt ================
col "Group" for 999
col "Disk" for 999
col "Header" for a9
col "Mode" for a8
col "State" for a8
col "Created" for a10 Head "Added To|Diskgroup"
--col "Redundancy" for a10
--col "Failure Group" for a10 Head "Failure|Group"
col "Path" for a19
--col "ReadTime" for 999999990 Head "Read Time|seconds"
--col "WriteTime" for 999999990 Head "Write Time|seconds"
--col "BytesRead" for 999990.00 Head "GigaBytes|Read"
--col "BytesWrite" for 999990.00 Head "GigaBytes|Written"
col "SecsPerRead" for 9.000 Head "Seconds|PerRead"
col "SecsPerWrite" for 9.000 Head "Seconds|PerWrite"
select group_number "Group"
, disk_number "Disk"
, header_status "Header"
, mode_status "Mode"
, state "State"
, create_date "Created"
--, redundancy "Redundancy"
, total_mb/1024 "Total GB"
, free_mb/1024 "Free GB"
, name "Disk Name"
--, failgroup "Failure Group"
, path "Path"
--, read_time "ReadTime"
--, write_time "WriteTime"
--, bytes_read/1073741824 "BytesRead"
--, bytes_written/1073741824 "BytesWrite"
, read_time/reads "SecsPerRead"
, write_time/writes "SecsPerWrite"
from v$asm_disk_stat
where header_status not in ('FORMER','CANDIDATE')
order by group_number
, disk_number
Prompt File Types in Diskgroups
Prompt ========================
col "File Type" for a16
col "Block Size" for a5 Head "Block|Size"
col "Gb" for 9990.00
col "Files" for 99990
break on "Group Name" skip 1 nodup
select "Group Name"
, f.TYPE "File Type"
, f.BLOCK_SIZE/1024||'k' "Block Size"
, count(*) "Files"
, round(sum(f.BYTES)/(1024*1024*1024),2) "Gb"
from v$asm_file f,v$asm_diskgroup g
where f.group_number=g.group_number
order by 1,2;
clear break
prompt Instances currently accessing these diskgroups
prompt ==============================================
col "Instance" form a8
select c.group_number "Group"
, "Group Name"
, c.instance_name "Instance"
from v$asm_client c
, v$asm_diskgroup g
where g.group_number=c.group_number
prompt Free ASM disks and their paths
prompt ==============================
col "Disk Size" form a9
select header_status "Header"
, mode_status "Mode"
, path "Path"
, lpad(round(os_mb/1024),7)||'Gb' "Disk Size"
from v$asm_disk
where header_status in ('FORMER','CANDIDATE')
order by path
prompt Current ASM disk operations
prompt ===========================
select *
from v$asm_operation
This is how some of the changes look
Added To Total Free Seconds Seconds
Group Disk Header Mode State Diskgroup GB GB Disk Name Path PerRead PerWrite
----- ---- --------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ ------ ---------- ------------------- ------- --------
1 0 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 20-FEB-09 89 88 FRA_0000 /dev/oracle/disk388 .004 .002
1 1 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 88 FRA_0001 /dev/oracle/disk260 .002 .002
1 2 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 88 FRA_0002 /dev/oracle/disk260 .007 .002
2 15 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 04-MAR-10 89 29 DATA_0015 /dev/oracle/disk203 .012 .023
2 16 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 04-MAR-10 89 29 DATA_0016 /dev/oracle/disk203 .012 .021
2 17 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 04-MAR-10 89 29 DATA_0017 /dev/oracle/disk203 .007 .026
2 27 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 29 DATA_0027 /dev/oracle/disk260 .011 .023
2 28 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 29 DATA_0028 /dev/oracle/disk259 .009 .020
2 38 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 29 DATA_0038 /dev/oracle/disk190 .012 .025
2 39 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 29 DATA_0039 /dev/oracle/disk189 .014 .015
2 40 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 30 DATA_0040 /dev/oracle/disk260 .011 .024
2 41 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 30 DATA_0041 /dev/oracle/disk260 .009 .022
2 42 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 29 DATA_0042 /dev/oracle/disk260 .011 .018
2 43 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 29 DATA_0043 /dev/oracle/disk260 .003 .026
2 44 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 29 DATA_0044 /dev/oracle/disk260 .008 .019
2 45 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 30 DATA_0045 /dev/oracle/disk193 .008 .018
2 46 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 30 DATA_0046 /dev/oracle/disk192 .007 .024
2 47 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 30 DATA_0047 /dev/oracle/disk191 .005 .022
2 48 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 29 DATA_0048 /dev/oracle/disk190 .008 .021
2 49 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 29 DATA_0049 /dev/oracle/disk189 .008 .026
2 50 MEMBER ONLINE NORMAL 31-MAY-10 89 29 DATA_0050 /dev/oracle/disk261 .009 .030
56 rows selected.
File Types in Diskgroups
Group Block
Name File Type Size STRIPE Files Gb
------ ---------------- ----- ------ ------ --------
DATAFILE 16k COARSE 404 2532.58
TEMPFILE 16k COARSE 13 440.59
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