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Wednesday, June 14, 2017


sys and system are "real schemas", there are the default user.
Both automatically created on database creation and granted the DBA role.
SYS super user and have full control of the database and have two default role sysdba and sysoper.
SYS is like root for us. It holds the data dictionary, it is special (it physically works differently from other accounts - no flashback query for it, no read only transactions, no triggers, etc)
SYSTEM is our DBA account, it is just a normal user.
Data dictionary can be changed by sys but not with the system.
sysdba and sysoper are ROLES - they are not users, not schemas.
The SYSDBA role is like "root" on unix or "Administrator" on Windows. It sees all, can do all. Internally, if you connect as sysdba, your schema name will appear to be SYS.
sysoper is another role, if you connect as sysoper, you'll be in a schema "public" and will only be able to do things granted to public AND start/stop the database.
sysoper is something you should use to startup and shutdown. You'll use sysoper much more often than sysdba.

*Role> means authorization to do something. It is bunch of previledges.

difference between Role & Privilage:
Privileges control the ability to run SQL statements. A role is a group of privileges. Granting a role to a user gives them the privileges contained in the role.

A privilege is a right to execute an SQL statement or to access another user's object. In Oracle, there are two types of privileges: system privileges and object privileges.
A privileges can be assigned to a user or a role

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