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Wednesday, June 7, 2017

User details by user name

set lines 200
col instance format a10
col process format a15
col program/module format a35
col spid format a10
col osuser format a10
col dbuser format a10
col appsuser format a30
COL SID format a10

select distinct i.instance_name "instance",
to_char(s.sid, '99999') "sid", to_char(s.serial#, '99999') "ser#", s.process "process",
nvl(s.program,s.module) "program/module", s.status "status", to_char(p.pid, '999') "pid",
p.spid "spid", s.osuser "osuser", s.username "dbuser", fu.user_name "appsuser" from gv$session s,
gv$process p, gv$instance i, applsys.fnd_logins fl, applsys.fnd_user fu where s.paddr = p.addr and i.inst_id = s.inst_id
and p.spid = fl.process_spid (+) and p.pid = fl.pid (+) and fl.user_id = fu.user_id (+) and fu.user_name like '%&1%'
-- apps users
--order by fu.user_name
order by 1,2;

All form related session :

col CLIENT_IDENTIFIER format a10
col MODULE format a25
col MACHINE format a10

select sid, serial#, logon_time, client_identifier, module, status, machine, seconds_in_wait
from gv$session
where program like 'frmweb%'
order by logon_time;

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